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L; Friday, November 21, 2008 ♥

The bad thing in life is when some one so close and so dear to u suddenly left u alone. This time round is a scenario where my friend is the lead. i am juz a small little character that comes in action for her to lean on for the moment.

To love a person so deeply, when the other party say break off or leave mi alone can leave a veri big cut in the person's mind or heart. I thought i might cry together with her. Instead i stand strong by her, lend her the shoulder and she cry all her hearts out. Yah, at the least i have to portrait myself to be strong for a friend. She says that she is sorry to trouble me. But i told her, as a friend, there is nothing to be sorry.

To those out there who are my friends, especially those treated mi as friends in return or something further listen up. There is no need to say sorry or thank you. U will only need to say sorry if u had misused my kindness to u. after so many times of me approaching u, at least there is once where u realli treat mi for who i am. I am more than appreciate to say thank u to u guys instead. Cuz of my defects i nv expect people in return treating mi as friends. I always have a lower self esteem than anyone else out there.

This time, i will stand up high, and say that i am not the old COLIN for once.

Recently i gt a nick to myself, looking backwards to age 21 or looking forward to 25? Cuz the best settling down period is at the age of 28, for now to 25 is the best enjoyment period. There is a need to control but is not a compulsory requirement to do it.

People say, to love someone else u nid to love yourself first. I wanna say the following to those who reads my blog. " To love yourself in my case is to love someone else." Cuz in this case, it is my character, always caring for others where i will neglect my own welfare.

There is nothing as compared to loving the people around me for who they are.


oh ya, forgotten something, recently i found out a new way to let the other party knows that u still love them deeply. The solution is to go to the seaside and shout out the person that u love deeply. BUT dunno how, it will eventually flow to the person's heart and things may change overtime.... note, it is one of the ways where guan yin had practiced during his days of becoming a bodhisattva.

don't you dare un'L' me.
rooting for
DEATHNOTE no matter what.
look at that 'L'ly smile.♥ [Friday, November 21, 2008]

L; Friday, November 07, 2008 ♥

I find myself so bad in christianity contexts, perhaps get back to some stuffs for the originality of it.

I had interpret wrongly abt the verse, so i shall now use some knowledge that i had learnt in the past and it is something that is so open minded that no one can say right or wrong. Cuz buddha din mentioned anything abt bringing flexibility to your life.


The definition of love in Buddhism is: wanting others to be happy.
This love is unconditional and it requires a lot of courage and acceptance (including self-acceptance).
The "near enemy" of love, or a quality which appears similar, but is more an opposite is: conditional love (selfish love, see also the page on attachment).
The opposite is wanting others to be unhappy: anger, hatred.
A result which one needs to avoid is: attachment.

This definition means that 'love' in Buddhism refers to something quite different from the ordinary term of love which is usually about attachment, more or less successful relationships and sex; all of which are rarely without self-interest. Instead, in Buddhism it refers to de-tachment and the unselfish interest in others' welfare.

'Even offering three hundred bowls of food three times a day does not match the spiritual merit gained in one moment of love.'

"If there is love, there is hope that one may have real families, real brotherhood, real equanimity, real peace. If the love within your mind is lost and you see other beings as enemies, then no matter how much knowledge or education or material comfort you have, only suffering and confusion will ensue"
His Holiness the Dalai Lama from 'The little book of Buddhism'


The definition is: wanting others to be free from suffering.
This compassion happens when one feels sorry with someone, and one feels an urge to help.
The near enemy is pity, which keeps other at a distance, and does not urge one to help.
The opposite is wanting others to suffer, or cruelty.
A result which one needs to avoid is sentimentality.
Compassion thus refers to an unselfish, de-tached emotion which gives one a sense of urgency in wanting to help others. From a Buddhist perspective, helping others to reduce their physical or mental suffering is very good, but the ultimate goal is to extinguish all suffering by stopping the process of rebirth and the suffering that automatically comes with living (enlightenment).

The attitude of a so-called Bodhisattva is Bodhicitta: this is the ultimate compassionate motivation: the wish to liberate all sentient beings from the sufferings of cyclic existence and to become a fully enlightened Buddha oneself in order to act as the perfect guide for them.

(See also the page on compassion.)

^Top of Page

so briefly tell u why i am using this? Cuz i wanna have love and compassion for all. This is equal to all with a slight difference on how much they nid. I wonder why am i so obsessed with love nowadays, is it realli so desperate for mi to have love? I already have some practice in loving kindness(metta) le yet i am not satisfied? I think i am some kinda person who is beyond hope. No hope for mi liao le lo... Simple things yet i make it feel so complicated. But simplicity is a virtue, wondering why i always make things so complicated.

Oh Lord Buddha, please enlighten mi!!! Can someone juz give mi the enlightened opening address to this? I think i roughly know how to go about for this but den i nid to be strong, who can give mi this faith of being strong? Pek chek ah...

don't you dare un'L' me.
rooting for
DEATHNOTE no matter what.
look at that 'L'ly smile.♥ [Friday, November 07, 2008]

L; Monday, November 03, 2008 ♥

Origin of my name COLIN from the bible,

NKJV 1 corinthians 15:50-58

Our Final Victory

50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”[g]
55 “ O Death, where is your sting?[h]
O Hades, where is your victory?”[i]

56 The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

don't you dare un'L' me.
rooting for
DEATHNOTE no matter what.
look at that 'L'ly smile.♥ [Monday, November 03, 2008]

L; Sunday, November 02, 2008 ♥

NKJV Ruth 1:16-17

16 But Ruth said:

“ Entreat me not to leave you,
Or to turn back from following after you;
For wherever you go, I will go;
And wherever you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people,
And your God, my God.

17 Where you die, I will die,
And there will I be buried.
The LORD do so to me, and more also,
If anything but death parts you and me.”

Theme of the post - Crazy over you.

Why would i use this verse for my post? Cuz this is something inspired by my friend, saying that he loves his stead a lot, and is related to this quote.

I would like to break into parts for this verse. mainly




brothers and sisters

special someone

and a few more than u can think of.

I would apply this to family, bro n sis, lovers and special someone.

We must bear in mind for those with a complete family and also those who are broken yet with a near complete family. u guys must treasure your family members well. Yes they will nag at us most of the time, but that is how they show us their love to us u see. For example, why mothers nags and cares more for their child than most fathers did for them? reason very simple. Because they know how u feel more than the fathers did.

We were once in their womb for around 10mths, these 10 mths, they suffered in pain and blood just to carry us and gave us the life to this world. There is a song saying, no matter what they say, words dun bring us down, we are who we are and that is how we look. We can further enhance the packing w/ content improved in too. But it is not an easy task i tell u. Enough of it, shall go to the next one.

bro and sis

Be in religious bro/sis, blood bonded bro/sis, named god bro/sis, they are still your closest ones. Sometimes when u had done something wrong, you would not dare to approach your parents first especially u can predict that they will scold u or give you some beatings.

Sometimes can be very close bonding between them that what had actually happened to anyone of them, they will step out to help them, no matter how poor, difficult, harsh or even how easy that can be. They will step out o help you cuz they simple love you. So when one separates from the other, there will always be sadness, grievance and also anger. Saying so much why did u leave me, do u know how important you are in my life and so on? These kinda images, not only can be found on tv screens but also real life events.

Lastly will be lovers and special someone.

Basically these two does not differ much, cuz they are simply under the same category, difference is that, one is of true feelings with commitments yet another is of feelings but not committed to it.

Lovers basically depends on each other, for their love care and concern, for "fun" and laughter of both kinds, joy and also the times where they can do things out in the public with their friends and family.

Special someone is like someone who is close yet dun dare to commit yet they love each other. Sounds contradicting rite? Actually, was not that bad. Still get to see the person u like but unable to commit to each other nia.

Back to my theme, crazy over you....

Yes everytime i look into your eyes, there is always a feeling that i can bear to depart with u, hoping that i can hug u tightly and say i love u. Sounds sweet right, but i doubt it will happen. cuz that person is attached le. So what can i do? Treat that person under one of the categories as mentioned above? yes i am doing it over the years. But it does gives mi happiness and sadness lo.

Okay lar, continue another day cuz i nid to sleep and work tmr...

To be continued? We shall see...

don't you dare un'L' me.
rooting for
DEATHNOTE no matter what.
look at that 'L'ly smile.♥ [Sunday, November 02, 2008]

L; About me and L♥

;Voiced by: Kappei Yamaguchi. L is the world's top-rated detective, tasked with tracking down and arresting Kira. His disheveled appearance masks his great powers of deduction and insight. L has many quirks, such as sitting in an odd manner and snacking on sweets in the middle of meetings.

hate me;

Colin Loh, a guy borned onto this land called Singapore on 28 October 1985.
Can visit *HERE*


♥For me to know for you to find out.
♥My wanted mate/partner to find out.
♥see who can help clear the mess with mi FOREVER...
♥Buddha of all directions together with all bodhisattva.

IN DEMAND. L;♥loner's LOVES.

♥i like to do what a normal guy out there like to do..
♥i love the feeling with guys and gals, does it makes mi a gay a bi or str8?? ♥i like eeu u you and U... ♥everything....

write here; on the notebook L; ♥

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I Stand In Worship - Jeffrey Tan She De - Sammy

from the DEATHNOTE

*Andrew Hui*
*X-avier weixiang*
* Edmund aka Edamuse*
* Max Zechariah Leong*
* Harry Lim W J*
* Grey Ng*
* Andrew Junbi*
* Jeffrey Lim Kok Keong*

DEATHS; never un'L' me.

{L; 07/2004 - 08/2004 ♥}
{L; 08/2004 - 09/2004 ♥}
{L; 09/2004 - 10/2004 ♥}
{L; 11/2004 - 12/2004 ♥}
{L; 12/2004 - 01/2005 ♥}
{L; 01/2005 - 02/2005 ♥}
{L; 02/2005 - 03/2005 ♥}
{L; 06/2005 - 07/2005 ♥}
{L; 04/2006 - 05/2006 ♥}
{L; 05/2006 - 06/2006 ♥}
{L; 06/2006 - 07/2006 ♥}
{L; 07/2006 - 08/2006 ♥}
{L; 08/2006 - 09/2006 ♥}
{L; 09/2006 - 10/2006 ♥}
{L; 10/2006 - 11/2006 ♥}
{L; 11/2006 - 12/2006 ♥}
{L; 12/2006 - 01/2007 ♥}
{L; 05/2007 - 06/2007 ♥}
{L; 06/2007 - 07/2007 ♥}
{L; 11/2007 - 12/2007 ♥}
{L; 04/2008 - 05/2008 ♥}
{L; 05/2008 - 06/2008 ♥}
{L; 06/2008 - 07/2008 ♥}
{L; 07/2008 - 08/2008 ♥}
{L; 08/2008 - 09/2008 ♥}
{L; 09/2008 - 10/2008 ♥}
{L; 10/2008 - 11/2008 ♥}
{L; 11/2008 - 12/2008 ♥}
{L; 12/2008 - 01/2009 ♥}
{L; 01/2009 - 02/2009 ♥}
{L; 03/2009 - 04/2009 ♥}
{L; 04/2009 - 05/2009 ♥}

credits: PuiLing; L♥ {INKPUPPET}